Sermons (Page 99)

Sermons (Page 99)

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

Many of us might remember where we were on September 11. We might remember where we were, maybe we remember the fear we felt, the confusion, the anger. Maybe we had a loved one in New York or Washington and we waited to hear whether they were okay…

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Leading up to this Gospel text in Luke, the author writes about Jesus getting baptized by John the Baptist. Soon after, we are told that Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit…was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil[1].” And if we read the story we learn that Jesus was tested three times to prove he was the Son of God and when Jesus didn’t fall for it, the devil went away.

Second Sunday After Epiphany

I like to think about this as Jesus trying to make a first impression, after all this is Jesus’s first Sign. As we begin to wander along the way wistfully walking through these weeks that we call the Sundays after epiphany we meander our way through the myriad of ways that Jesus continues to manifest into our midst. Again and again we are struck by the the strange, subversive, and surprising scenes that spotlight how God is showing up in space and time.