Sermons (Page 97)
First Sunday in Lent
Every year on the first Sunday in Lent, we read a story about Jesus’s temptation. This year, we get it from Luke’s perspective which is a bit different than Matthew and Mark. In today’s reading, like in Matthew, we witnessed a conversation of sorts between the devil and Jesus. Now to be clear, the devil is a personified version of all that draws us from the ideals of God. We’re not talking about a physical being with a pitchfork and horns, right…
Ash Wednesday
Beware. It’s a word we would associate with entering a construction site, a warning we might heed from a mysterious character in a movie, or sign we might read and take quite seriously walking into an open field of lions…
TJ was the best. A first-grader, away from home for the first time at summer camp, TJ quickly became friends with not only his fellow cabin-mates, but with other counselors and campers who shared his week at camp. Counselors quickly learned that TJ could help fill a few minutes of down time, and a regular pre-lunch session of Jokes with TJ became a daily staple. TJ became something of a celebrity in his week at camp…