Sermons (Page 95)

Sermons (Page 95)

Sunday of the Passion/ Palm Sunday

This week, I glanced at a clergy group on Facebook. I happened to see one pastor note that they did not like Palm/Passion Sunday ­– that is, reading the Palm narrative and the Passion narrative on the same Sunday. This pastor didn’t like the jubilant procession paired with the depressing crucifixion. And, while I personally feel it’s a bit jarring, I wonder: have death and change ever been solely harmonious…

Fourth Sunday in Lent

One place that I enjoy visiting is the Art Institute. For those of us who bathe in words day after day, it helps open my mind to imagination and plurality. How one person views a work of art can be markedly different from another. Shading, color, perspective, medium, and the viewer’s state of mind all impact the experience…