Sermons (Page 83)
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Wicker Park Lutheran Church Rev. Chrisida Anandan December 1, 2019 The gospel reading that we have heard today is a very interesting passage as it has been interpreted in different ways in many traditions, denominations, and countries. In my childhood, I was perplexed by this passage which has been often interpreted as rapture and the second coming of Jesus. I still remember that I thought so much and worried what would I do if my mother or father or sister…
Third Sunday of Advent
Well, today’s gospel reading was a bit unexpected. It’s strange to hear the story of Jesus’ crucifixion during Advent. After all, this time of year we usually build up to Jesus’s birth and we don’t often talk about his horrific death. But, at second glance, the Lucian version of Jesus’s crucifixion might just embody a hopeful, Advent-like character…
Second Sunday of Advent
What a comforting reading! Jesus says, “Do not be terrified.” “Do not be terrified.”