Sermons (Page 64)

Sermons (Page 64)

Fifth Sunday of Advent

Last week, we began a new lectionary year that focuses on the gospel of Mark. Last week, we also had a much better preacher, Bishop Curry. And Bishop called our attention to Jesus’s words in Mark’s gospel to “keep alert” and “keep awake” (Mark 13:37). Keep awake and be ready. Keep alert and look for the time. Then, today, we jumped back to the beginning of Jesus’s ministry. To the very first verse of Mark. To “the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ” (Mark 1:1)…

Third Sunday of Advent

Our gospel text today picks up from the past weeks of Jesus talking about the challenges of waiting for the new age to come, a time that will be marked by God’s vision of abundant justice and peace for all. There are a lot of unanswered questions in the air about being Jesus’ disciples in the midst of waiting and about recognizing God’s presence while they wait…