Sermons (Page 60)
First Sunday in Lent
Listen to Rev. Josh Ebener deliver today’s gospel and message!
Ash Wednesday
Wicker Park Lutheran Church Rev. Jason S. Glombicki February 17, 2021 Today begins the season of Lent. And Lent is about re-alignment. It’s about adjusting our form. It’s about shifting our perspectives. We began this season with Matthew’s gospel. In this reading, we heard a similar formula given three times that illuminated what this shift in perspective looks like. The formula was: “Whenever you __(action)___, do not __(do it like this)__. But when you _(action)_, do it __(this way)__.”…
Transfiguration of Our Lord
“Perhaps you have a teacher or (God forbid!) a preacher that as much as you listen to them you just don’t understand? Well, you are not alone. In our gospel passage today, the disciples hear a booming voice from above and it is not the first time. You may remember back to Jesus’ baptism, there is also a booming voice from above declaring “You are my son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” The voices connect these passages, connect these moments of revelation and epiphany about who Jesus is…”