Sermons (Page 60)

Sermons (Page 60)

Ash Wednesday

Wicker Park Lutheran Church Rev. Jason S. Glombicki February 17, 2021 Today begins the season of Lent. And Lent is about re-alignment. It’s about adjusting our form. It’s about shifting our perspectives.   We began this season with Matthew’s gospel. In this reading, we heard a similar formula given three times that illuminated what this shift in perspective looks like. The formula was: “Whenever you __(action)___, do not __(do it like this)__. But when you _(action)_, do it __(this way)__.”…

Transfiguration of Our Lord

“Perhaps you have a teacher or (God forbid!) a preacher that as much as you listen to them you just don’t understand? Well, you are not alone. In our gospel passage today, the disciples hear a booming voice from above and it is not the first time. You may remember back to Jesus’ baptism, there is also a booming voice from above declaring “You are my son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” The voices connect these passages, connect these moments of revelation and epiphany about who Jesus is…”