Sermons (Page 59)
Fourth Sunday in Lent
If the gospel of John were a movie, today we get just a snapshot of what would be a longer scene. The snippet of Jesus’ words we catch today is part of a larger conversation with a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus…
Third Sunday in Lent
Wicker Park Lutheran Church Rev. Jason S. Glombicki March 7, 2021 Today we step into John’s gospel. Between now and Pentecost, we’ll hear a lot from this fourth gospel. As we make this transition, I’m reminded that John’s gospel is markedly different from the others. John stresses Jesus’s divinity. John is more spiritual, more theological, and, well (what’s a nice way to put this), historical accuracy is not the emphasis. That’s all because John is written to inspire the community…
Second Sunday in Lent
We’ve all heard it a million times: “Oh, it’s just my cross to bear.” This phrase repeated often and used to express a kind of powerlessness in our suffering completely misses the point of the original context, which comes in our gospel text today. Yes, Jesus urges his followers to take up their cross, but the complete phrase spoken by Jesus in Mark is: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” When we look at the whole phrase, we remember that Jesus offers an invitation to not just an action, but to a whole way of life, to a path to follow…