Sermons (Page 51)

Sermons (Page 51)

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Did you catch what Jesus said? “The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” With a statement like that, it’s no wonder that early Christians were called cannibals. After reading that verse, I thought there had to be another translation. There had to be a way to make it seem less shocking. So, I dug a bit deeper into the Greek. And it turns out that … there’s not. The Greek word the dictionary explains that it’s the “soft substance which covers the bones and it permeated with blood.” So, yep, flesh. The bread Jesus gives is his flesh. But, what does that actually mean?…

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

I imagine the crowd at Galilee that we read about today like those of us who wanted to bake in those early days of the pandemic. But when I had this urge , I couldn’t find the main ingredient- flour- anywhere…

The Feast of Mary Magdalene

I think it’s safe to say that the name “Mary” was a top ten baby name during Jesus’s childhood. After all, the name Mary occurs 54 times in the Christian Scriptures, it’s found in 49 verses, and it’s likely that these instances denote 7-12 unique people. Because of this, scholars often need to figure out which particular Mary the author is talking about…