Sermons (Page 5)

Sermons (Page 5)

Sixth Sunday of Advent

Last week’s gospel introduced us to John the Baptist. We heard John’s message of repentance and its connection to the prophet Isaiah. But there wasn’t much meat about what repentance looks like, how it functions, or the purpose of it. But, this week is different as the story continued. We that heard the substance of John’s message was, as one colleague put it, “harsh, urgent, and concrete.”…

Fifth Sunday of Advent

Today’s gospel reading has at least two parts – (1) a list of leaders and rulers and (2) the beginning of John the Baptist’s teaching. If you’re anything like me, I often want to skim past lists of names to get to the good part. A lot of times I cannot contextualize the names and frankly, I often fumble the pronunciation of their names as well. But these three short verses are not ones we want to zoom past. While they certainly give us some historical context to the environment in which John began his ministry, they also make a key theological claim…

Fourth Sunday of Advent

“Where are you Christmas? Why can’t I find you, Why have you gone away?” Are you Team Grinch or Team Santa? We just have to look around after Thanksgiving all decorations switch to Christmas immediately after Black friday. Grinch Lost…