Sermons (Page 18)
Third Sunday of Advent
Before I begin, I want to offer everyone – but especially parents – a content warning. In my sermon I’m going to talk about the war in Palestine and tell a few stories that have been in the news recently. Parents have to make decisions about how much or how little they talk about these issues with or around their children, and if you find that it’s best for you or your family to step out, the nursery is open to you downstairs and the fellowship hall just over there is open as well…
First Sunday of Advent
Please pray with me, may the Holy Spirit guide these words from my mouth and may they be received with open hearts, according to your will, Lord Jesus. Amen…
All Saints Sunday
Today is one of the heavier liturgical days of the year. Not as heavy as Ash Wednesday or Good Friday, but it does raise varied emotions. Today, we name aloud those who have died. No longer is their memory only in our heads and hearts during worship, but we are conjuring up their image, their gifts, and their presence among us in this service…