Sermons (Page 158)

Sermons (Page 158)

Feast of Michael and All Angels

If you’ve ever been to a planetarium or stared at the sky in a dark place, then you’ve probably noticed the stars. Just imagine right now that you’re looking at a star. A star is a sphere of plasma held together by gravity that gives off light– how cool is that? Of course, our closest star is the sun, but let’s focus on a distant one. That star is likely to have its own solar system of planets around it. That star could be low-mass or high-mass. That light you see could also be from a dead star – after all, the light it emitted could still be traveling to us for thousands of light years away long after it collapsed… Copyright 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #20716.

Feast of St. Matthew

Let’s consider what the word “politics” means. Not about what’s going on in the world. But what a “polis” means – Aristotle said when two or more persons are together, even that is a polis. What are the politics in your family; that is, how do you decide to use your group time and your finances? Any group of persons is a polis, and their policies are their politics. So, this congregation is a Christian polis. By nature it has politics and needs to make sure they follow the Gospel…
Copyright 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #20716.

Feast of the Holy Cross

Some developmental psychologists suggest that children first learn through tactile sensation – they discover hot and cold, soft and hard, up and down first through their physical senses. Then as they create an intellectual vocabulary they move past tactile sensations into the exploration of signs and symbols. As children being to understand signs and symbols they learn to see beyond the surface. It is then that they can come to discern the genuine from the artificial…