Sermons (Page 121)
All Saints Sunday
On Thursday the seniors at LSTC threw a Halloween party. We decided to hold it on such a late date due to scheduling conflicts and to take advantage of half-price candy and decorations. As a shout-out to the Reformation, the costume theme was saints and sinners…
Reformation and Homecoming Sunday
It’s like Jesus understood the future when he said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Maybe Jesus knew that 2016’s word of the year would be “post-truth.”[1] Perhaps he anticipated the rise of nationalism, the flood of fake news, and cultivation of alternative facts. After hearing the Judeans’ response to Jesus’s statement, we discover that their world and our world are remarkably similar…
Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
This past week, my Facebook feed was covered with status updates saying, “Me Too.” I am sure that I am not the only one who encountered these two words over and over again, but in case you are not on Facebook or Twitter or didn’t encounter it let me give a little background.