Sermons (Page 12)
Holy Trinity Sunday
This week was a struggle. Many of you know that I’m not a fan of Holy Trinity Sunday, which happens to be today. The texts for this Sunday each year don’t often speak to me. I also get frustrated when I cannot fully grasp the one theological topic that we devote an entire Sunday to each year. On top of that, our Vicar and Seminarian have completed their time with us so I couldn’t pass these texts off to someone else. So, I studied today’s texts, prayed about them, read countless commentaries from intelligent theologians, and thought about it all week but still this sermon wasn’t coming easily…
Seventh Sunday of Easter
It’s hard to believe that my time with all of you is coming to a close. These last nine months have flown by, and it has been such an honor to learn and grow in this community of faith. I have felt immense gratitude in getting to know some of you in deep ways and by getting to worship with all of you on Sundays…
Pentecost Sunday
This is the day of Pentecost – my very favorite day of the church year. But the story of Pentecost is bigger than just one day. This story has been unfolding for a very long time…