Sermons (Page 115)
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Today’s gospel reading has, arguably, the most recognizable verse in the Bible. On a long car trip, I usually see it posted on a billboard. At sports games, I see it on a poster. In confirmation class, I had to memorize it. It’s the infamous John 3:16. And, while today’s translation from the New Revised Standard Version was decent, I want to offer you an alternative translation from the original Greek. It goes like this, “For this is the way God loved the cosmos: to give the Only Begotten One, that whoever believes may not die, but have eternal life.”…
Third Sunday in Lent
In my imagination I picture the scene from our Gospel reading today: the crowds of Jewish people coming from all over to make their sacrifices in the Temple, the mooing and cooing and baaing animals – unblemished of course – that will be sacrificed, the money-changers waiting to convert foreign currency to the acceptable coinage for the Temple Tax. Everything going according to plan, the way it was every year…
Second Sunday in Lent
Listen to Vicar Bridget’s sermon from the second Sunday in Lent here!