"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 7)
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Today’s reading from Mark continues where we left off last week. Jesus still has a child in his arms after he reminded the disciples that welcoming the powerless, the dependent, and the vulnerable is what makes someone the greatest. And then, without missing a beat, John pipes up with what, I imagine, was an attempt at a humble brag. He says, “Hey, Jesus, I saw this person who was working for justice, liberating people from infliction, and healing people in your name…
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
They just don’t get it. How many times does Jesus need to talk about his betrayal, execution, and resurrection? How many times will he need to tell them to focus on the marginalized, the lowly, the poor, and the outcast? It’s as though the disciples will never understand…
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Wicker Park Lutheran Church Rev. Jason S. Glombicki September 15, 2024 We’ve been working our way through Mark’s gospel during the summer (except for the few weeks we were in John). And, we will continue reading through Mark until the end of November with only a few departures. Today’s gospel reading is important. This is a key turning point in the story and will set the stage for all that is to come. Up to this point, things were going…