"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 40)

"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 40)

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Today’s gospel is the conclusion of a narrative arc that we started last Sunday. In case you forgot where we are in the story: Jesus was in his hometown, and he read from Isaiah in the synagogue. This passage builds out the vision of God’s plan to “bring good news to the poor…proclaim release to the captives…sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Third Sunday after Epiphany

First and foremost, I want to congratulate you. You made an excellent choice coming to worship today. You have an advantage over everyone else in the year ahead. Not only are you making a commitment to self-care by caring for your spiritual life, but you’re also getting a key insight into everything else that is to come…

Baptism of Our Lord

Grace to you and peace from God, our Creator and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Change is at the forefront of our Gospel lesson this morning. People are looking to John the Baptist as the messiah as they hope for change. John encourages and warns that there is one who is coming that far surpasses his own power…