"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

First Sunday of Christmas

Several weeks back, within these very pews actually, I heard a sermon that re-shaped the way I approached the Christmas season. It was Vicar Kornelius’s sermon about the classic Christmas movie “The Grinch,” perhaps some of you remember it. It was so rich and thought-provoking a sermon that it had me analyzing all of my favorite classic Christmas movies as I watched them this year and examining their theological implications…

Christmas Eve

Tonight, we heard the Lukan Christmas story. Yet tonight’s story was different from the typical retelling that combines Matthew and Luke into a single story. And this combination is nothing new. In fact, if you glance at the Neapolitan Creche on the bulletin cover, you’ll see an 18th century baroque masterpiece, blending Lukan shepherds and Matthean magi into a bustling scene…

Sixth Sunday of Advent

Last week’s gospel introduced us to John the Baptist. We heard John’s message of repentance and its connection to the prophet Isaiah. But there wasn’t much meat about what repentance looks like, how it functions, or the purpose of it. But, this week is different as the story continued. We that heard the substance of John’s message was, as one colleague put it, “harsh, urgent, and concrete.”…