"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 32)

"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 32)

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Amen. Earlier this week, I decided to watch one of my old favorite movies as kid, War of the Worlds directed by Steven Spielberg. You may have seen this movie or you may be familiar with the classic science fiction novel of the same name written by H.G. Wells in 1897…

Third Sunday of Easter

Today’s readings are quintessential Easter readings that offer us a vision of resurrected living. So, let’s explore them. In the first reading, we heard of Saul who was literally torturing, threatening, and murdering those following “the Way.” This phrase, “the Way” is how early followers of Jesus were described. Remember, Jesus’s early supporters were Jewish, and they lived out their faith by following “the Way” of Jesus. It isn’t until later that the followers of Jesus are first called “Christian.” Initially, Jesus’ followers were known not by a set of beliefs, but rather by their character or the way they operated in the world…

Second Sunday of Easter

Grace to you and peace from God, Our Creator, and our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ! Now I know this week, we all have been continuing to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as we move deeper into this Easter season but we actually had a holiday pass just a few days ago. As many of you know this past Friday was Earth Day! So as we consider this lesson from the Gospel of John about faith and doubt with Thomas, I want to start off with a little story I was told once that can bring us wisdom from, I would guess, an unexpected place…