"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

The Baptism of Our Lord

It’s been a while since I saw a short film that I still remember today. The title: Validation. (by Kurt Koenne) In any case, I can only recommend that you watch this 15-minute movie – you can do that on YouTube. It’s a very humorous movie that also makes you think…

Epiphany Sunday

The magi have fascinated Christians for thousands of years. They are depicted in 3rd century frescos in the catacombs of Rome and were carved into the façades of Chartres Cathedral in the 13th century. They were the subject of great artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, and Dürer. And most church nativity scenes, as well as at-home devotional nativities, would look incomplete without them. But’s it’s only twelve verses and two mentions in one gospel that have sparked our fixation…

First Sunday of Christmas

Several weeks back, within these very pews actually, I heard a sermon that re-shaped the way I approached the Christmas season. It was Vicar Kornelius’s sermon about the classic Christmas movie “The Grinch,” perhaps some of you remember it. It was so rich and thought-provoking a sermon that it had me analyzing all of my favorite classic Christmas movies as I watched them this year and examining their theological implications…