"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)
All Saints Sunday/Advent 1
One aspect of the gospels that brings me particular delight is how accounts kind of differ between the gospel writers. And there’s a lot of reasons for that but usually it’s because they were all written for different audiences during different time periods and so the focus shifts depending on the specific social and political context. And sometimes the variation is barely even noticeable, but then for some other it’s like ooh yeah that story does hit a little differently when you put it that way instead…
Reformation Sunday
Looking at all of today’s texts, Jeremiah is pulling at me in the most. It doesn’t happen often that a reading from the Hebrew Scriptures grabs me more than the gospel reading. After all, Jesus is kind of a big deal in Christianity. But, I think it’s the reformational aspect and the covenantal language that draws me to its wisdom…
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Before we get too deep into this gospel reading, I’m wondering who has heard this parable before? Well, let me first give the sermon I usually hear on this text. It goes like this… We have two people. One is a Pharisee, a Jewish leader who is exceedingly righteous and judgmental, and the other is a tax collector, a traitor of his people, who is humble and contrite. While you might think the righteous one following God’s rules has the best relationship with God, it is the tax collector who is justified with God. So, the takeaway, be humble. Amen…