"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 120)
26th Sunday After Pentecost
Grace and peace to you from God our Creator and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. I think it’s safe to say that this has been an emotional week in our country. I imagine many of you were disappointed by the results of last Tuesday’s election – I imagine many of you were excited by them too. One thing seems clear to me, after 18 months of campaigning and debating and bickering, our country feels more divided now than it did before…
All Saints Sunday
Today we celebrate one of my favorite days in the church year – All Saints Sunday. This is also one of the oldest festivals in our calendar meaning that for more than a millennia, Christians have gathered together at the beginning of November to remember all the saints that have gone before us. And we all know names of saints that the church remembers – their names adorn cities and hospitals and congregations. We read about them in the Bible or church histories. So to kick off this remembrance, I would invite you to shout out some of the names of saints that you know…
Reformation Sunday
“He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on the account of the crowd he could not.” (Luke 19:3) It sounds like this weekend in Wrigleyville! People want to see the Cubs. They’ll pay hundreds of dollars to sit in a bar nearby; two-, four-, six-, eight- thousand-dollars to get in the stadium; and fifteen-, twenty-, thirty-thousand-dollars or more to sit in a dugout seat…