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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany
In Malcolm Gladwell’s book entitled “The Tipping Point,” he challenges the reader to make a list of the people whose death would truly leave them devastated. Let’s try it – count the number of people. Gladwell says that twelve people is the average. Those people you listed make up what psychologists call our “sympathy group.” A sympathy group is that circle of people with whom we can closely connect. Often this group includes one’s extended family or ethnicity, and they become the in-group; everyone else in the world, by default, become the out-group.[1] What do we do with this biological tendency to make in-groups and out-groups? …
Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
If I asked you to envision God, what would God look like to you? What picture comes into your mind when you think of God?
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
We are living in a somewhat new era in our country and in the world. I confess I am not warming up to its nationalistic bravado. In my opinion it is foolishness. I want Christian wisdom in dealing with it. Clout, wealth by bullying, and rattling sabers represents a philosophy of power that has once again overtaken Washington. We cannot avoid it, because we live in our nation which we love. I want to say something in Christ, from Christ, to you that is marked with some sort of wisdom.