"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 11)
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Today we continue our 8-week study on Mark’s gospel. Last week, we heard about two different reactions to Jesus’ message both from his family and the scribes. Between last week and today’s readings, Jesus began to tell parables about the kingdom or reign of God. So far, he’s told the famous parable about a Sower spreading seed onto different types of soil, and he followed that up with some comments about the revelation of Jesus’ ministry being like a lamp being put on a lampstand instead of under a bushel basket..
Second Sunday after Pentecost
If I had to pick a favorite genre of Bible stories “Jesus gets tired of people’s nonsense and responds with scripture and snark” would be right at the top of the list. And perhaps that is because it’s one of my go to techniques when I’m tired of people’s nonsense. And perhaps that’s one of my go to techniques because Jesus modeled it for me. Who can say really?…
Seventh Sunday of Easter
It’s hard to believe that my time with all of you is coming to a close. These last nine months have flown by, and it has been such an honor to learn and grow in this community of faith. I have felt immense gratitude in getting to know some of you in deep ways and by getting to worship with all of you on Sundays…