"podcast" Tagged Sermons (Page 101)
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Click above to listen to Vicar Bridget’s Sermon from the 5th Sunday after Epiphany!
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
Click above to listen to Vicar Bridget’s sermon from the fourth Sunday After Epiphany!
Third Sunday After Epiphany
I hate sitting next to a stranger on an airplane. I don’t mind talking to people, but most of the time after exchanging pleasantries the other person will ask, “what do you do?” I hate that question, especially trapped at 36,000 feet. Often, I have to either listen to their confession about why they don’t go to church, or I have to explain that I’m not one of those pastors. Americans seem to jump right to that question – “what do you do?” Yet, what we “do” does not completely define us, it’s simply one piece of our identity…