"podcast" Tagged Sermons
First Sunday in Lent
Every first Sunday in Lent we always here the story of Jesus’ temptation from the viewpoint of a synoptic gospel (that is Matthew, Mark, or Luke). Compared to last year’s version from Mark, we have a lot more to work with here. In Luke, we see three distinct scenes where Jesus was tempted by the “devil.” And the devil doesn’t have a tail and a pitchfork, but in Greek, it is term for an “accuser” or “slanderer.”…
Transfiguration Sunday
One of my special moments was always when we stood on top of a mountain very early in the morning. But even after a long hike, reaching the top is something special. At this moment, everything was made up for. For getting up early and for the strenuous ascent. You were simply happy. And I was simply in awe of God’s creation. Intoxicated by the magnificent view. The valleys and plains lie very small at your feet. Everyday life and daily worries are far away. I could stay up there for hours and just enjoy the view…
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Today’s gospel reading is challenging. While much of the reading was the focus of my Annual Meeting report earlier this month, I found myself in a different social location this time around. You see, instead of looking at this passage through the lens of the institution that this is Wicker Park Lutheran Church, I entered it in a more personal manner. This time, I saw it through a lens of the powerless…