Sermons by Vicar Taylor Walker (Page 2)

Sermons by Vicar Taylor Walker (Page 2)

Second Sunday of Easter

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been rolled away. At first she didn’t know where Jesus’s body had gone – and she was desperately sad, because she wanted a proper burial…

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Ah! This gospel text is so lovely. It contains, I think, the most famous verse of our scripture – John 3:16, “for God so loved the world…” If you never read the rest of the Bible, I think that one verse would be enough…

Second Sunday in lent

The passage we just read is from Mark chapter 8. This is the last time we’re going to hear from Mark until Holy Week, so I think we should take stock of where we are and where we’ve been in this gospel, so that we can locate ourselves in our story today…