Sermons by Vicar Bethany Ulrich (Page 8)

Sermons by Vicar Bethany Ulrich (Page 8)

Third Sunday of Advent

Our gospel text today picks up from the past weeks of Jesus talking about the challenges of waiting for the new age to come, a time that will be marked by God’s vision of abundant justice and peace for all. There are a lot of unanswered questions in the air about being Jesus’ disciples in the midst of waiting and about recognizing God’s presence while they wait…

All Saints Sunday

I don’t know about you, but I am SO drawn to the blessings that Jesus gives in this passage, that I often gloss over WHO Jesus is speaking to, WHO this message is addressed to…

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

In our text today, we see that political debates haven’t changed much. Taxes have long been a hot button issue and seemingly innocent questions hold hidden agendas. Today, we find Jesus not on a debate stage, but he does find himself in a type of debate with two groups of religious leaders. The Pharisees and Herodians both feel threatened by the large crowds following Jesus, and so they team up to entrap him with a question about paying taxes to the emperor…