Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 79)
Third Sunday of Advent
In 1988 Rev. Robert Fulghum first published the book “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” This title is taken from his first essay in the book where Robert lists lessons normally learned in kindergarten and explains how the world would be improved if adults adhered to these same rules. Robert says: “These are the things I learned (in Kindergarten):
Second Sunday of Advent
This time of year is often filled with parties and gatherings. If you’re the host of the gathering you know the importance of preparation. For a holiday dinner party you might get out your Christmas decorations, purchase a tree, bake a pie, cook the meal, and find the right music for a memorable time. If your house is anything like mine there are bathrooms to clean, floors to sweep, and all the tasks of making the home shine.
First Sunday of Advent
What’s a sign for you that Christmas is near? For some of us it’s seeing pumpkin spice lattes transform to peppermint mochas. For others it’s the snow falling from the sky. Christmas decorations and gift ideas from retailers can help some– even if they’ve been out since September. Holiday music, the empty feeling of a dead loved one, or the dark days and long nights – what is your sign?