Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 72)

Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 72)

Second Sunday After Pentecost

As a major news event unfolds there is one type of story that almost always seems to pop up. It happened with Brussels’ terror attack and the Paris’ terror attack. It happened with the recent EgyptAir flight’s crash. It has happened with the Zika virus and the idea of a contested convention. It’s the infamous story entitled “what we know and don’t know about (fill in the blank).” It’s an article that attempts to articulate where things are in an investigation. We get a list of things discovered, and a list of questions investigators pursue. Generally, we feel most comfortable waiting to draw a firm conclusion until most of the facts are complied. However, what happens when we are presented with a story with outstanding questions and no potential for answers? How do we draw our conclusions?…
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Holy Trinity Sunday

What is today known as in the life of the church? Today is Holy Trinity Sunday. It’s one of the more difficult Sundays to comprehend, and one of the few Sundays where a doctrine takes center stage – an odd doctrine at that. After all, Jesus didn’t directly talk about the Trinity, and one of the most famous early Christians named Paul didn’t really either…
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Pentecost Sunday

A few weeks ago our readings talked about Jesus as the good shepherd. For us urban dwellers this image of shepherding might have been difficult to connect with. Today, though, we may be able to connect with ease because it’s about city living…