Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 70)
12th Sunday After Pentecost
So I have this problem: Sometimes on my day off I sleep in late; then, when I finally get up, I know there are a lot of things to get done – laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, exercise, and make meals for the week. I know I have one day a week to cram it all in, but it’s only 9am – I’ve got the whole day, right? So, I make tea, listen to the news, play around on Facebook, and check Instagram. Suddenly my phone dings – it’s 11am, and spin class is in 15 minutes. I run around, get ready, take the class, and walk outside into a beautiful day. Naturally, that means it’s time for a walk! Before I know it the time is 3pm, I haven’t showered, done laundry, cleaned, gone to the grocery store, or cooked before I have dinner plan. My day has gone haywire. Why? Because I wasn’t clear on my priorities for the day…
The Feast of Mary Magdalene
Have you ever met someone whose reputation preceded them? Maybe it was when you met your boss’ boss for the first time. Maybe it was a public figure, or even Mickey Mouse. Before you met you had heard all about them. Whether the reputation was accurate or not, others set the tone for your interaction with that person. Reputations are interesting. After all, our unique reputation isn’t something that we can control; instead we can only have influence on it. Our reputation lives apart from us and has the potential to live on after us through our legacy…
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Quick poll: Who has heard of today’s gospel reading before today? Sometimes this reading is called “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” – has anyone heard the term “Good Samarian” before? That title “Good Samaritan” is something many of us are fairly familiar with in our context. Where have you heard it before? …