Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 7)

Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 7)

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Today we continue our 8-week study on Mark’s gospel. Last week, we heard about two different reactions to Jesus’ message both from his family and the scribes. Between last week and today’s readings, Jesus began to tell parables about the kingdom or reign of God. So far, he’s told the famous parable about a Sower spreading seed onto different types of soil, and he followed that up with some comments about the revelation of Jesus’ ministry being like a lamp being put on a lampstand instead of under a bushel basket..

Holy Trinity Sunday

This week was a struggle. Many of you know that I’m not a fan of Holy Trinity Sunday, which happens to be today. The texts for this Sunday each year don’t often speak to me. I also get frustrated when I cannot fully grasp the one theological topic that we devote an entire Sunday to each year. On top of that, our Vicar and Seminarian have completed their time with us so I couldn’t pass these texts off to someone else. So, I studied today’s texts, prayed about them, read countless commentaries from intelligent theologians, and thought about it all week but still this sermon wasn’t coming easily…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Today’s gospel reading is from John. As a gospel, John is deceptively difficult to read. It’s complex, filled with deep theology, and possesses a high Christology. It’s a gospel where the shorter readings in our lectionary often make it more confusing. In today’s gospel, we heard the circularity in the text that is emblematic of John…