Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 65)
Reign of Christ
I’m uncomfortable. It’s not only that Thanksgiving with my politically divided family is this week. It’s more than last Thursday’s high temperature of 72 followed by last night’s low of 27. I’m most uncomfortable with the title of today’s feast day. Here we use title “The Reign of Christ,” and, to be clear, that’s “reign” as in ruling with authority, not “rain” as in precipitation from the sky. As a title, The Reign of Christ communicates power. So on this Sunday I’d expect us to read about when Jesus flipped tables in the synagogue, or raised someone from the dead, or the miracle of water turned into wine. Instead, we got the crucifixion story from Luke. It’s an uncomfortable and seemingly odd scene to read as we gear up for the holidays…
Reformation Sunday
“He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on the account of the crowd he could not.” (Luke 19:3) It sounds like this weekend in Wrigleyville! People want to see the Cubs. They’ll pay hundreds of dollars to sit in a bar nearby; two-, four-, six-, eight- thousand-dollars to get in the stadium; and fifteen-, twenty-, thirty-thousand-dollars or more to sit in a dugout seat…
21st Sunday After Pentecost
Last Wednesday was our first small group gathering on spiritual practices. If you missed it, you should join us this Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. as we continue this exploration. Anyway, last week’s topic was prayer. It was mentioned that there are only three types of prayer: help, thanks, and wow! Pretty simple. This suggestion comes from Anne Lamott, who is one of my favorite authors. In her book she suggests that prayers can be short. So short that it can be one word, namely help, thanks, and wow!…