Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 60)
Feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Thomas, the apostle. This is a “lesser feast,” or, in other words, one that isn’t commonly celebrated. In fact, Thomas’ biblical appearances aren’t that common either. We heard him speak three times in the bible, and all three are in John’s gospel. One of the most famous times is after Jesus’ resurrection when he asked for proof. The first time he spoke was after Jesus heard of Lazarus’ death. Today’s gospel notes the other…
Third Sunday After Pentecost
Today’s gospel reading picks up where last week’s left off. To understand what’s happening today, we need to recall that Jesus spoke about rejection. It’s helpful for us to feel that rejection. Take a moment to think of a time when you were rejected. In romantic relationships, it could be after a first date or decades of marriage. In our careers, we might not get that promotion or the job offer. We can be rejected from higher education, an offer on a home, or because of our identity…
Holy Trinity Sunday
Contrary to popular belief, the word of the day is not “summer.” Rather, today’s word is “Trinity,” for Holy Trinity Sunday. What do we mean by Trinity? The most common Trinitarian formula is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One of my favorite Trinitarian formulas from St. Augustine is the lover, the beloved, and the love. Yet, as one colleague puts it, “The Trinity is not a doctrine to which we subscribe because it describes God … The Trinity is, instead, a description of the experience of the church.”…