Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 58)
Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
As a pastor, I often hear that the God of the Hebrew Scriptures, or the Old Testament, is a spiteful and angry God. Some tell me that as Christians we don’t believe in that God; instead, these people say, Christians believe in the God of love in the Christian Scriptures. I’m fascinated by this understanding. Theologically, as a church, it is untrue. Over the next few Sundays we will focus on a reading from the Hebrew Scriptures, and I hope this can help us see God’s work in a new way…
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
“But when the disciples saw [Jesus] walking on the sea, they were terrified.” (Matthew 14:26)…
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
If you’ve ever wondered what Lutheran worship is all about and why we do what we do, you’ve come on the perfect Sunday…