Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 43)
Third Sunday in Easter
Late last year, I was selected to serve on the Pre-election Canvass Committee to help with the search of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod’s next bishop. And if you don’t know what “synod” means, it’s basically a grouping of churches around Chicago that partner for ministry. Now, the worst decision that this committee ever made was to elect me one of the co-chairs. You see, the synod doesn’t know what to do when I champion transparency and open-communication. Maybe I do it because I’m a millennial or maybe it’s…. No, it’s because I’m a millennial. I hate restrictions unless there is a legitimate explanation. And, so, when I read today’s gospel, I see a glimpse of God acting a bit like a millennial…
Easter Sunday
It all began with an investigation – an investigation into what really happened. It explored interference, witnesses, and the results. In the end, we received a report; in fact, we receive multiple reports. But, today we’ll talk about just one of those reports – the Lukan Report…
Sunday of the Passion/ Palm Sunday
This week, I glanced at a clergy group on Facebook. I happened to see one pastor note that they did not like Palm/Passion Sunday – that is, reading the Palm narrative and the Passion narrative on the same Sunday. This pastor didn’t like the jubilant procession paired with the depressing crucifixion. And, while I personally feel it’s a bit jarring, I wonder: have death and change ever been solely harmonious…