Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 32)
Easter Sunday
Today doesn’t much feel like Easter. That is, apart from our readings, songs, and shouts of Alleluias. But the gusto, the warm sun-drenched sanctuary, the familiar faces, the sounds of the organ–all that Easter good-ness seems more like a broken Alleluia. Yet, here we are. We’re doing something together…
Maundy Thursday
We heard Jesus say, “If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Hmm. Wash another’s feet? Every Maundy Thursday it’s a struggle to encourage this practice; and tonight, how would we do that from six feet away? How, Jesus? How? This is the question I’ve been asking for most of our planning for these Three Days. How do we do this, and how do we do that virtually? And, on this night, when foot washing is the center of this gospel text, and when we usually gather for a variety of communal, embodied experiences–how do we do this?…
The Sunday of the Passion
Listen to the audio recording of the Passion reading from today’s service.