Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 23)

Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 23)

Second Sunday after Pentecost

“Today’s gospel reading is a little odd. We heard of Beelzebul, Satan, plundering of a strong man’s house, and Jesus’s confusion about his family. At first pass, it comes across worse than if we dig into what Jesus was trying to communicate. So, let’s sort this out…”

Holy Trinity Sunday

As we read from the Scriptures each Sunday, it’s usually the gospel reading that grabs my attention. Today, however, it was Isaiah’s vision. If you don’t know much about Isaiah, here’s what you need to know for today: First, he was rooted in the Zion tradition, which celebrated God as the great king, and second, Isaiah saw Jerusalem (a.k.a. Zion) as the place that God founded and decided to live…