Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 21)
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Adults, children, dogs. It was the assumed hierarchy in today’s gospel reading. Adults, children, dogs. At best, it was Jesus’s metaphor to get the unnamed Syrophoenician woman to go away. Adults, children, dogs. At its worst, it was a racial slur as “dogs” was a commonplace derogatory term applied to a Gentile outsider…
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Today’s readings both present a choice. In the Gospel reading, Jesus addressed the twelve disciples after many of his disciples had left him. Jesus asked, “Do you also wish to go away?” Jesus presented a choice–to go or to stay. In the first reading, Joshua presented the choice regarding whom the tribes of Israel will serve–the Lord or something else. Choices…
Feast of Mary Mother of our Lord
God’s plan. At the cross, John’s gospel said that she needed to be cared for by the disciple whom Jesus loved. Yet, today’s gospel paints a different picture of Mary…