Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 18)

Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 18)

Name of Jesus

This gospel readings sounds a lot like what we read on Christmas Eve. However, the last verse is where today’s feast day comes into play. We heard that on the eighth day, Jesus was circumcised and was given the name Jesus. All in all, it’s a routine Jewish experience for an infant boy. With circumcision, the child was included in the Abrahamic covenant– that is the covenant where God promised to bless Abraham and his descendants, which would be as numerous as the stars…

Christmas Eve

Christmas time is probably the only time of year I think about angels. I’m not someone who thinks about guardian angels. I don’t think of those who have died as angels. Frankly, angels seem so odd and a little creepy…

Seventh Sunday of Advent

Today’s gospel reading is a bit of a unicorn. After all, there aren’t too many places in the Christian Scriptures where women speak. And there’s even fewer places where two women have a conversation with one another. Yet, today’s reading is one of them…