Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 15)

Sermons by Rev. Jason S. Glombicki (Page 15)

Third Sunday of Easter

Today’s readings are quintessential Easter readings that offer us a vision of resurrected living. So, let’s explore them. In the first reading, we heard of Saul who was literally torturing, threatening, and murdering those following “the Way.” This phrase, “the Way” is how early followers of Jesus were described. Remember, Jesus’s early supporters were Jewish, and they lived out their faith by following “the Way” of Jesus. It isn’t until later that the followers of Jesus are first called “Christian.” Initially, Jesus’ followers were known not by a set of beliefs, but rather by their character or the way they operated in the world…

Resurrection of Our Lord

In today’s gospel reading, it’s clear that the women and those who the women told had all forgotten what Jesus had said. After all, remembering that their friend and teacher predicted that he would suffer, be rejected, be killed, and rise in three days is a traumatic memory that I would want to forget. Or maybe they thought Jesus was being melodramatic and didn’t take him seriously. Or maybe they forgot because they had been drinking a bit too much that night. Who knows? What we know is that the women didn’t immediately remember Jesus’s words and most of those they told didn’t ever seem to remember…

Maundy Thursday

Tonight is about legacy. Jesus knew that his death was imminent. He knew that he’d been given only days to live. So, Jesus made very clear how he wanted to be remembered…