Sermons by Rev. Chrisida Anandan (Page 2)
The Third Sunday of Lent
Rev. Chrisida Anandan Wicker Park Lutheran Church March 12, 2023 In our Old Testament text today, we read about the Israelites who are facing lack of water when they camped at a place called Rephidim. In the Gospel text, We meet Jesus who was thirsty while sitting near a well and encounters with the Samaritan woman. Water scarcity is not uncommon all over the world. UNICEF reports that “almost… two thirds of the world’s population experience severe water scarcity for…
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Wicker Park Lutheran Church Rev. Chrisida Anandan November 27, 2022 Grace and Peace to you all in the name of our Christ Jesus! Keep awake, and be ready are the watchwords that we hear from our gospel reading today. This week, especially the week right after thanksgiving with so much cooking, eating, traveling, and hosting families, we may be exhausted. Unlike the Lutheran churches in the US as far as I have seen, the sermons in my church back in…
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Listen to our guest preacher, Chrisida Anandan, as she reads the gospel and proclaims its message.