Events (Page 2)
Feb 23, 2020
Shrove Sunday Brunch
Following service, join us for a big feast as we fatten up before Lent begins. All-you-can-eat pancakes, toppings, and delicious drinks will be served!
Jan 26, 2020
Annual Meeting and Celebration Brunch
Let’s celebrate a year of many momentous moments! Bring a dish to share as we celebrate our volunteers and look with anticipation to the year ahead. Voting members are strongly encouraged to attend so that we have a quorum to pass our budget and approve other actions.
Apr 1, 2025
Hands-On Bread Baking
Hands-On Bread Making (First Sundays, 8–10 a.m.) – Join in the sacred task of making the bread for our Communion meal along with baking a special treat to be determined by the bakers! Stop by any time during the baking. Contact Heidi Hedeker ( with any questions.