Welcome to Wicker Park Lutheran Church

Sundays at 10 a.m.

Location Details

1500 N Hoyne Ave Chicago, IL 60622


We are an entirely self-funded ministry. Your donations are 100% tax-deductible to support our transformational work every day.


Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

With today’s gospel, we’re wrapping up a largely chronological study of Mark. We’re not done exploring Mark yet, but we’re going to take a break until September. Next week we’ll celebrate the feast of Mary Magdalene followed by a 5-week series on John’s “bread of life” discourse. So, it’s sort of odd that this eight-week series on Mark ends with a passage that isn’t about Jesus. If you strolled in here today and didn’t know any better, this gospel reading might lead you to believe that Christianity is all about John. After all, today’s story sounds a lot like Jesus’…

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Today is the halfway point of our 8-week study on Mark’s gospel. We’re picking up where we concluded last week directly after Jesus shared two final parables – one about spreading seeds and another about an out-of-control mustard weed…

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Today we continue our 8-week study on Mark’s gospel. Last week, we heard about two different reactions to Jesus’ message both from his family and the scribes. Between last week and today’s readings, Jesus began to tell parables about the kingdom or reign of God. So far, he’s told the famous parable about a Sower spreading seed onto different types of soil, and he followed that up with some comments about the revelation of Jesus’ ministry being like a lamp being put on a lampstand instead of under a bushel basket..

WPLC's Online Community (CCB)

Church Community Builder (CCB) is our online community to connect you with others. If you’re looking to serve during worship as an expression of your faith, wanting to get involved with feeding the hungry, or seeking to build your connection with others, you can get connected with all of that on CCB!